Posters & Publications

The following information is from select congresses and is not intended to be a complete overview of all congresses, congress materials and clinical information. These materials may include information for products that are not approved and/or information that is inconsistent with product uses as described in the Prescribing Information (PI). BioXcel Therapeutics does not suggest or recommend the use of products in any manner other than as described in the PI.

Health Outcomes / Real-World Experience​
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Health Outcomes / Real-World Experience​

The information provided on this site is intended for use by healthcare professionals practicing in the US. The dissemination of this information may be subject to different medical and regulatory requirements in other countries. This web site is intended to help healthcare professionals practicing in the US find scientifically balanced, evidence-based information about Bioxcel Therapeutics drugs, submit a question, ask for field medical follow-up, and explore links to professional and patient support resources.